AL-DA TEC Werkzeugbau GmbH with its production facility in Italy, just a few kilometres from Milan and the main airports in the North, has been a leader in the sector since 1975 in the production and repair of screws (maximum length 5 m), cylinders (maximum diameter 220 mm) and tips for plastic injection moulding machines and plastic and food extruders.

Our production philosophy focuses on customer care and satisfaction.
This is why, after 40 years of activity, characterised by continuous research into new materials and the development of ever more modern technologies, we are the leaders in the sector and can cover our customers’ requirements at 360°.

The strength of our activity is the versatility of our offer, which escapes standardisation to meet the customer’s needs as much as possible, and which is made possible by the direct and immediate contact with the technical and productive parts of the company and by the presence of a young and dynamic staff.

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